I said I was going to try and blog at least once a month (or something like that). I've been slacking, as I sit here on the train home I started thinking about work and how far i've come in the past two years.
In December 2012 I started work at a startup based in Doncaster, UK as a Junior Developer. I had no idea what I was doing, I turned up for my first day at work and my boss had my computer waiting for me. He said I was going to use something called Ubuntu as my operating system. I was like 'ok, that's fine' so I started working my way around this new experience (may I just clarify the only computer I had owned prior to this was a Windows with XP). After a few weeks of doing the odd CSS and HTML tweak I started playing around with the command line, I found a Bash cheat sheet online and began typing random commands in, it's fair to say I didn't know what I was doing, but I liked it.
I was then introduced to PHP (Pretty Horrible Programming). I won't touch too much on this other than the fact that as I'm now a Rubyist I'm glad I don't have to endure such a horrific ordeal.
Around 6 months in, after I'd learned the basics of Bash, HTML & CSS I started reading a few online Ruby guides and Rails walkthroughs. I was then given an example project to do - integrate a Rails app with FreeAgent (this is what our company used for their billing and invoices). Struggling along I asked for help at least once every hour until I finished, but the hours suddenly turned into days and then the days suddenly started into the odd 'can I have your opinion' question.
Skipping ahead a few months I had completed around 5 different projects, each requiring a little less help. I was happy with my progress, but unhappy in my current position.
I looked around for other positions but as my knowledge was limited it was proving difficult. I applied at a company called The Floow (my current employer). I spoke with the Senior developer at the company and he then gave me a task - a company Wiki. A Rails app later I pushed my code to GitHub and sent a link to the person who was going to be reviewing my code. I was called in for an interview and told that I would be contacted soon.
I was due to go on holiday to Turkey with my girlfriend the following week so would find out either way when I was away. The Monday we went out on a boat trip for the day, the boat had Wi-Fi but I didn't take my phone. I checked on Janine's phone, it was good news - I got the job!
Just over 2 years ago I was working in a call centre doing what I hated, now I'm working at a Telematics company earning double the money and doing what I love. It feels good, and to know that I did it starting on just £400 a month puts a huge grin on my face.
Don't settle for that dead end job, if you want it, go get it!